“Raise the roof” show rehearsals - Sunday 21st May to 28th May
Cost: £5 one class or £6.50 for two or more
“Raise the roof” show rehearsals - Sunday 7th May to 14th May
Cost: £5 one class or £6.50 for two or more
“Raise the roof” show rehearsals - Sunday 16th April to 30th April
Cost: £5 one class or £6.50 for two or more
“Raise the roof” show rehearsals - Sunday 26th March to 2nd April
Cost: £5 one class or £6.50 for two or more
“Raise the roof” - Costume Update 7th Feb
“Raise the roof” - Custume update. Uptown Funk ready for collection and payment is now due.
“Raise the roof” show rehearsals - Sunday 5th, 12th March
Raise the roof show rehearsals - Sunday 5th, 12th March
Cost: £5 one class or £6.50 for two or more
Royal Ballet Affiliation
We are delighted and proud to announce that following her initial training Miss Janine is now…
Congratulations Miss Janine !!
We are delighted and proud to announce that following her initial training Miss Janine is now officially an affiliate teacher of The Royal Ballet School. Janine has always been dedicated to furthering her professional development and is one of only twenty nine worldwide who have been awarded affiliate status. We are extremely proud and excited to roll out this new ground-breaking , innovative and enriching system of training to our students. The Affiliate Training Assessment Programme is a holistic approach to the learning of dance to drive forward the standard of recreational dance training and to keep pace with the changing needs of the art form. We are enthusiastically anticipating the growth and progress of our students taking part in these classes and are thrilled to be pioneering this wonderfully enriching training programme.