Jill Clewes – the Academy for Theatre Arts awarded the Kings award for voluntary service.

We are exceptionally proud to announce that we have been awarded the prestigious Kings award for voluntary service [KAVS]!

This award is given to organizations with volunteers who provide the majority of the work to enable the organization to thrive and be successful. We are very proud of all of our volunteers, who have all contributed to this magnificent achievement.

The Academy for Theatre Arts has been operating now for over 50 years and comprises an average of 150 volunteers, helping to run it throughout the year.

We offer aspects of performing arts training and professional qualifications in classical ballet, tap, jazz, Musical Theatre, commercial, freestyle, singing and drama. We concentrate on people, wishing to embrace the arts and it have had many successful careers develop from our training with students who have gone on to develop careers in the West End of London and beyond, which is offered through a BTEC extended diploma as well as regular classes.

Jill Clewes, who has run this Academy for over 50 years commented as follows.

‘“I am so proud for all the volunteers that have spent so much of their time, year in year out helping us to develop our Academy for the good of our students both locally and further afield. Without that help, the Academy would not be in existence and we would not be able to provide all the benefits that we do in theatre arts throughout Northern Staffordshire.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all our volunteers, our staff and our students and I am absolutely thrilled that this has been recognized with the Kings award for voluntary service, which is known as the MBE for volunteers.”

Jill Clewes


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